Friday, 18 November 2011

Getting Wedding Ideas

There are plenty of places to get inspiration for your wedding but one I've discovered recently is Pinterest.  It's a visual bookmarking site.  Now this doesn't sound that interesting, after all there are loads of bookmarking sites but Pinterest is different.  Because it's visual it's easy to see what it is you've previoiusly bookmarked.  It also provides a link back to the original picture and allows you to add notes to your bookmarks.

The site uses something called boards to help you organise your bookmarks, think of them more as mood boards.  You can also provide a direct link to each board allowing you to get the opinions of others easily so if you've seen a few wedding favours and you want to share these with the hubby to be, send them a link to the board and see what they have to say.  In a world were we are so busy, it's something that only takes a minute and doesn't require you both to find time to sit down to being to whittle down your wedding planning ideas.  If you're wanting to see what a board looks like, then click here: Brown Wedding Theme.

Pinterest also has a search function built in so it's a great place to search for wedding related things such as wedding dresses or cakes.  Other's have found them already online, added them to their boards and you can repin them to your own board if you fall in love with them.  The best thing is that since the photo comes with a link back to the original site you will always be able to get the necessary information about the item, none of this "I saw it on the web, but I have no idea of where it came from or how much it costs."

Here are a few wedding related items that I found today on pintest.

Source: via Kerrie on Pinterest

Be warned though, there's so much stuff on there, you could easily spend hours getting lost.

You can join me on Pinterest here: Kerrie G's Pinterest.  At the moment there's currently a waiting list to get an invite to join the site unless you know someone who is already a member, so if you want a invite, then leave a comment below and I'll send one to the email address you provided when filling it out (I won't share this with anyone).

Have fun exploring

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